Saturday, November 15, 2008

thanks E. MAY !!


As Human / Kilo from Philadelphia

I've found some kind of amazing solace in this band. Saw them first at the Thunderbird opening for Omega Love. Blew away my idea of what a TBird show could be (and I've seen some great shows there). It is hard to keep your eyes off a band with a presence this engulfing, and with eyes front-and-center, the caliber of these musicians was clear. While most jammy-bands can lose an audience who isn't already lost in a haze, these guys could take you on the most far-out trip without a drop of anything mind-altering. Their ability to stay solid in the emotive elements of the trip is something that few bands can claim, and it was clear that the band themselves were bringing this experience to you from that far-away place accessible exclusively to artists, the enlightened, and the f'd-up.

Yesterday, I found myself writing a song they could perform, and realizing how much Ryat's vocals have stuck with me since their show. She was doing something so timelessly experimental - yet so forwardly *now*. Perhaps she was the inspiration for my new loop-pedal toy, perhaps my future inspiration for a KAOS pad. Inspirational, regardless.

As Human (they were Kilo when I saw them there) is celebrating their debut CD release on June 21st, and if you're anywhere close to Philadelphia at that time, I insist you go. I will reimburse you for your ticket if you think they were not worth every cent of your $12. Regardless of my comments earlier, if you happen to imbibe in any kind of psychotropic substances, I would encourage it. Your paradigm would most certainly be shifted.

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